Light sheet imaging

Project Summary

In this work, we implemented a TILT3D setup based on the design presented by W. E. Moerner in 2018, which by utilizing the strategy of tilted light sheet illumination, namely, by illuminating the sample with a light sheet that is tilted at an angle relative to the imaging plane, to avoid the limitation of early light sheet methods. In the meantime, with the 3D double helix PSF engineering, we built an optimized imaging platform in our lab to achieve high-level single-molecule super-resolution 3D imaging. With this light sheet microscopy combined DH PSF engineering, we reported that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) improved significantly compared to conventianl epi-illumination, we are able to study the structure and dynamics of biological molecules at a level of detail that was previously unattainable and provide a valuable tool for advancing our research at single-molecule level.

Yuteng Zhang
Yuteng Zhang
PhD candidate in Biochemistry

I am a fifth year PhD candidate at the University of Houston.