Web application for Exploring National Parks

Research Summary

The National Parks project is a web application that allows users to explore national parks across the United States. The application utilizes data from various sources including Kaggle and Data World to provide users with detailed information about each park including its location and activities.The user interface is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, allowing users to filter parks by region and view detailed information about each park. The backend of the application is built using a Flask server and MongoDB to handle data storage and retrieval. This allows for efficient and seamless data retrieval, providing users with the most up-to-date information about the parks. Overall, the National Parks project is an ideal tool for nature enthusiasts, hikers, and anyone looking to explore and learn more about the national parks of the United States and territories.

Yuteng Zhang
Yuteng Zhang
PhD candidate in Biochemistry

I am a fifth year PhD candidate at the University of Houston.